Q- What do I need
to bring with me when I bring my pet to 4 Paws Farm?
A- All pets come to us with their Own Bedding and Food, this reduces the disruption to their routine, we also need to see their vaccination records upon arrival if we have not already seen it or a picture of it .
Q- What Vaccinations does my pet need?
A- All animals need to be fully up to date with their annual vaccinations
These are; (dogs)
- Canine parvovirus
- Canine distemper
- Infectious canine hepatitis (adenovirus)
- leptospirosis
If this is an initial course of vaccinations (puppy course, or starting again due to not being kept up to date) there needs to be 14 days before coming into us
- Cat flu (feline herpes virus and feline calicivirus)
- Feline infectious enteritis
- Feline leukaemia virus
There is no 'cooling off' period for cat vaccinations and can come into us same day of having them
Q- Does my dog need to have the kennel cough vaccination to board at 4 Paws Farm?
A- Kennel cough vaccine is not mandatory but we do suggest it, however they MUST have it 4 weeks or more before coming to stay with us